Hundreds of people volunteered for a day of cleaning in all sectors of the City on June 7, 2014, more than a month after rain delayed the original April 26th date. Set in motion by Mayor Flanagan, Fall River Park Advocates, volunteers from neighborhood associations, schools, local employers and home owners joined City Department of Community Maintainence and Parks Department workers on a beautiful June day to pick up litter, rake and spruce up public areas. Park Advocacy Coordinator Sandy Dennis organized a number of volunteers who pitched in for the morning. Greater Fall River Re-Creation staff hosted a noon-time cook-out at Kennedy Park for all of the volunteers following the event that also included some heart-healthy dancing. Click here for a three-minute minute video from the event and here for more photos and text describing the clean-up effort. For more information, contact Neighborhood Coordinator Perry Long at 508-676-0324. 

(Top row, left) Cora SaintLaurent and Jayden Travers take a break while Manual Sousa continues to clear the Bank Street Tot Lot garden and get it ready for planting. (Top row, center and right) Bank Street Neighborhood Association President Natalie Melo poses for a photo in front of the garden and then directs more volunteers to other projects in the neighborhood. (Row two) Joe Carpet, Jimmy Walker and Water Department Director John Frias help to spiff up the intersection of Bedford and North Main Street. (Row three, left and right) Volunteers from Walgreens Pharmacy and Community Connections pose for group photos. (Row three, center) Parks Department driver Mike Rodrigues finishes picking up a load of trash. (Bottom row, left) Laurie Shannon, Pat Flynn and Elizabeth from Lifestream pose for a group photo after cleaning up North Park. (Bottom row, center) Greater Fall River Re-Creation staff members Annemarie Holly and Victoria Maniatis serve free hot dogs while a group led by HerbaLife Fitness dances to some Salsa music in the pavilion.

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