Battleship Cove Community Boating (BCCB) is a non-profit sailing school operated by the USS Massachusetts Memorial Committee, Inc. Celebrating its fourteenth year of on-the-water fun at Heritage State Park, members put the “community” in “community boating,” 100% of the membership fee is reinvested into community-based programs, enabling the program to continue  youth services and maintain or upgrade its equipment. Special reduced rates for Fall River residents are offered to a limited number of young people through Greater Fall River Re-Creation. Youth sailing classes run in two-week periods and are designed to give a basic appreciation of watercraft and sailing safety. Participants are placed according to size, ability, and experience into beginner and intermediate classes. Classes are taught in a fleet of Vanguard Optimist Prams, Vanguard Club 420s, and Cape Cod Mercury keelboats.  Members enjoy free unlimited boat use during open sailing hours, discounted adult group classes, discounted private, instruction, free admission to BCCB functions (races & clinics), and use of docks and facilities. Click here for a short video of the class. Click here for photos and video from the 2012 class. For more information about the program, contact Director of Sailing Christopher J. Nardi at 508-324-4345.

(Top row) Young sailors are given instruction in the basics of sailing by Michael Bisbano and Ethan Vieira, left, and Steven Quatrucci and Evan Taylor, center, before the group heads to the boats. (Row two) Staff member Steven Quatrucci talks with Staff Member Jonathan Barthel before Evan Taylor and Diamond McKinley in the boat on the left get the younger children ready for a sail. (Row three) Intermediate sailors are taken to their boats where they rig their sails. (Bottom row) The Beginner Sailors head out into the Taunton River accompanied by staff while the Intermediate Sailor take off on their own.

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