Massachusetts Representative Patricia Haddad invited more than 25 persons concerned with over 100 families who have been placed in a Swansea motel by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to a meeting at the Swansea First Christian Congregational Church on February 21, 2017. The meeting was the first to focus specifically on families in this motel, though an ongoing effort to coordinate services and solve problems has been ongoing for the past three years through the Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being. Massachusetts DHDC Undersecretary Aaron Gornstein was present to explain the program along with Division of Housing Stabilization Associate Director Rose Evans who expressed the hope that numbers would eventually diminish. Community volunteers Raymond and Dawn Pelletier described the resources they have been able to gather for families but also expressed frustration with the various restrictions that have prevented volunteers from being more helpful to families. School officials and Town Administrator James Kern described some of the resources they have been able to put in place, including four daily SRTA bus trips arranged by General Manager Eric Rousseau. Rep. Haddad requested descriptions of services that could be provided to address ongoing problems. Contact Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900 for the dates of the Coalition meetings.


(Top row) Representative Patricia Haddad welcomes participants before introducing Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Aaron Gornstein and then turning to United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp for an update on the Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being. (Row two, left) SRTA General Manager Eric Rousseau describes the services he has been able to arrange for the Families in Swansea. (Row two, right) Dawn and Raymond Pelletier talk about what they have been able to do for the families on a voluntary basis. (Row three, left) Division of Housing Stabilization Associate Director Rose Evans describes how the program is designed to work as Alison Robles of Rep. Haddad's office listens. (Row three, right) Michelle Dunse of Fall River Pubic Schools listens as a Swansea Assistant Superintendent and Director of Student Services John J. Robidoux talks about his efforts to work with families. (Row four) Swansea Town Administrator James Kern listens to the conversation and then describes how the Town has responded. (Bottom row, left and center) People, Incorporated CEO Robert Canuel and Somerset Baptist Church pastor Rev. Barbara Jean listen as Dawn Pelletier talks about how volunteers could assist families if some of the rules limiting their involvement could be changed. (Bottom row, right) First Christian Congregational Church Moderator Martha Curtis finishes notes from the meeting as it breaks up with plans to continue in two weeks.

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