The Diabetes Association (DAI) of People Incorporated, Saint Annes Hospital and the YMCA Southcoast celebrated World Diabetes Day at a collaborative resource fair held on November 13, 2014. Using space at the People Incorporated  Main Street headquarters, the three groups invited educators and vendors to the free five-hour event that was open to the public and designed to raise awareness about the effects of type I and type 2 diabetes in the Greater Fall River community. "We have a great program here," noted John Quintas of the DAI. "Lots of give-aways, food, lots of services that are being made known to the community, so we welcome people to come in and check out what it's all about," he continued. Educational speakers included Saint Anne's Hospital Dietitioan Laurie Hammontree, YMCA Southcoast Diabetes Prevention Project Manager Lu Brito, and PrimaCare Foot Care Specialist Jennifer Fichter. Informational tables included those offered by BMC HealthNet Plan, HealthFirst Dental Program, Novo Nordisk, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge and "Fed Up on the South  Coast" educational video. Click here for an eight-minute video of the event.  For more information, contact John Quintas at 774-488-5331.

(Top row, left) John Quintas offers Angela Arsenault and Alexiz Perez a fruit smoothie that he made. (Top row, center) Diabetes Association Director John Quintas and Youth Coordinator Tina Nogueira record a short video about the event. (Top row, right) Saint Annes Hospital Diabetes Educator and Nurse Rose Marie Couto escort her mother and father to the exhibits. (Row two) Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator talks with YMCA Southcoast Vice-President Nancy Bonell before speaking with some of the guests about low-carb diets. (Row three) Diabetes Foot Care Specialist Jennifer Fichter speaks with Tracy Ibbotson, Administrative Director of Community Benefits and Volunteer Services at Saint Anne's Hospital. (Row three, center) Saint Anne's Hospital Dietitian Laurie Hammontree talks with Barbara Simcock. (Row three, right) HealthFirst Dietitian Pam Bermudez, Community Health Worker Carla Abreu and Patient Navigator Ana Sousa pose for a group photo. (Row four) Lu Brito and Jennifer Fichter speak speak to guest including Rose Couto's parents during one of the educational sessions. (Bottom row) Guests help themselves to lunch, view an exhibit on foot care and speak with Novo Nordisk representative Michael Norton..

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