Saint Annes Hospital Diabetes Educator Rose Couto, R.N, held a diabetes screening event in the Hospital lobby on March 25, 2014, designated by the American Diabetes Association as Diabetes Alert Day. Both Hospital staff and members of the general public were invited to complete a simple questionnaire about weight, age, family history and other potential risk factors for pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes and then had their blood sugar level tested. Many of those tested were Portuguese-speaking. "There's a very high incidence of diabetes in the Portuguese population," noted Ms. Couto, who speaks Portuguese and who appeared with Frank Baptista and Alfred Alves on Rádio Voz do Emigrante earlier in the week with hosts Frank Baptista and Al Alves. Those who tested high on the screening or on the blood sugar test were referred to their physician for further evaluation. The table display included a warning to lower the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages which has been linked to the incidence of overweight and obesity, risk factors for diabetes. A similar screening was also held  that day at the Southcoast Hospitals on the same day. Click here for a one-minute video.  For more information, contact Anne Ferreira at 508-235-5056.

(Top row, left and right) Saint Annes Hospital Valet Jack Oliveira has his blood sugar level tested by Ms. Couto. (Top row, center) The amount of sugar in common soft drinks is displayed to help people understand the link with overweight and diabetes. (Row two) Ms. Couto was available for four hours in the Hospital lobby on Diabetes Alert Day to test anyone who requested it. (Row three) Diaminta Botelho and Valdemina Melo pick up copies of literature in Portuguese to learn about diabetes risk factors. (Bottom row) Sister Mariana stops by and asks to be tested herself.

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