Dog Tags Navigators of Massachusetts held their first 9-11 Victims and Veterans' Stand Down Health and Jobs Fair at Fort Taber in the South End of New Bedford on September 11-13, 2014. Cecil Hickman, of the volunteer group of about ten mostly retired combat veterans, medical professionals and journalists who are working to aid veterans in their benefit claims, planned the event held during a three-day series of events for veterans, victims and family members. The event on September 12 included assistance in the processing of veterans' claims by a specialist from the Providence, RI, Regional Veterans' Administration office, health screenings, and workshops offered by various branches of the military. Community Health Workers (CHWs) who are part of a project led by Kathy Murphy of United Interfaith Action (UIA) were on hand to offer assistance. Click here for the Standard-Times article. Click here for a four-minute video of the event. For more information about Dog Tags Navigators, contact Cecil Hickman at 774-4004143. For more information about UIA, contact Kathy Murphy at 508-673-4670.

(Top row, left and right) Bill Carr of the Providence VA Healthcare service and Cheryl Belisle, Public Contact Advocate from of the Providence Regional Veterans talk with veterans. (Top row, center) Project Leader Cecil Hickman talks about the event during a video interview. (Middle row, left) Community Health Workers Channa Guinard and Linda Mae Pittsley were available to assist veterans with health-related questions. (Middle row, right) David Peters of Dog Tags Navigators and Dave Labbe of Washington Trust meet at the event. (Bottom row) CHWs Leonard and Linda Mae Pittsley talk with CHW Valentina Martinez of the New Bedford YWCA. (Bottom row, right) Kathy Murphy of United Interfaith Action talks with Laura Carreau, Medical Researcher for Dog Tags Navigators, and Valentina Martinez.

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