About 75 parents and children came to the Doran Elementary School on a rainy night for a Family Fun Night on November 6, 2014. This program engages students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered a nutrition education session with Saint Anne's Hospital nurse Rose Couto, a fun workout with Suzanne and Mike Ramos, as well as the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including BMC HealthNet Plan, Child and Family Services, CVS Minute Clinics, Department of Children and Families, Greater Fall River Re-Creation, HealthFirst Dental Program, People Incorporated, Southoast Health, WIC, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering it Soda-Free Challenge. Click here for a 29-minute video of the event. Click here for pictures and video from last year's event.  For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard st 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Cindy Kragn and Lawrence Fernandes sign in with Karen Lima and Sonya Souza before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes the group. (Row two) Suzanne and Michael Ramos lead one of the groups in a fun fitness workout. (Row three, left and center) Ruben Paiva, left, enjoys exercising with his son before Mike finishes up with some funny activities to music. (Row three, right) Robin Jones explains the People Incorporated Early Intervention Program to one of the mothers. (Row four) Christine Simas talks with Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angie Bras about the problems with sugar-sweetened beverages while Alison Lentinu of Child and Family Services and Caleb McVey of CVS Minute Clinics talk with other parents. (Row five) Rose Couto, R.N. of Saint Anne's Hospital uses two cups to illustrate the proper portion of beverages and gets children and parents talking about highly-sugared cereals. (Bottom row) Lawrence Fernandes watches his son hold their door prize ticket while Ruben Paiva comes to claim his bag of groceries from Marcia Picard and Doran School Principal Maria Pontes.

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