About 275 parents, children and providers joined Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at the Spencer Borden Elementary School Greene Elementary School in Fall River for a Family Fun Night on January 30, 2014. This program engages students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered a nutrition education role-play by Saint Anne's Hospital Dietitian Laurie Hammontree, a fun workout with Suzanne and Mike Ramos, as well as the chance to speak with representatives of over twenty agencies including the BOLD Coalition, Child and Family Services, Early Childhood/Family Community Engagement, Fernandes Center for Children, Family Service Association, HealthFirst Dental Program,, Niagara Neighborhood Association, People Incorporated, Recovery Connection Center, Saint Anne's Hospital, Southcoast Hospitals, WIC and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge. Click here for an 18-minute video of the event. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107

(Top row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes participants to the event at the Greene Elementary School and assigns them to one of three groups including fun exercise in the gym, a cooking and nutrition demonstration in the community room, and over 20 resources tables in the cafeteria. (Row two) Mike and Suzanne Ramos, left, lead groups in some fun movement to music in the gym while Betty Nunes of HealthFirst Family Care Center talks about dental hygiene and Angie Bras of Partners talks about sugar-sweetened beverages. (Row three) Saint Anne's Hospital Dietitian Laurie Hammontree talks to parents and children about selecting nutritious foods and how to read a food label. (Row four) Mike Ramos talks about the variety of ways people can build exercise into their routine before another fun set of exercises, and Lisa Alves of the WIC Program talks about nutrition for infants and toddlers. (Row five) SCI Intern Brian Moses talks about web site while, while John Sylvia talks about the Niagara Neighborhood Association and Life Together Fellow Phillip York talks about local resources for families. (Bottom row) Early Childhood Program representative Chris Partyck talks with Aidan Buck and Kendra Harrington before Greene School Principal Joel Jocelyn and School Adjustment Counselor Robin Thorpe draw the winning numbers for the free bags of groceries.

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