Yajaira Medeiros of People Incorporated joined Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard to put on a Funderful Family Fitness Night at the Letourneau Elementary School on May 29, 2014. This program, similar to Family Fun nights, engaged students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered a nutrition session by Chef Jessica Williams of Creating Healthy Solutions, a fun workout with Mike Ramos, as well as the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including the HealthFirst Dental Program, WIC, Mass in Motion Fall River, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge. "In addition to all of the evening's physical activity, it was a great opportunity to introduce people to the growing number of bicycle routes throughout the City", commented Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly who, along with Fall River Police Officer Richard Saraiva, gave away sixty helmets donated by BMC HealthNet Plan and the Kivanis Club of Fall River. Click here for a 23-minute video of the event. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107 or Marilyn Grubb at People, Incorporated at 508-837-6902, Ext. 117.. 

(Top row) Parents and children sign-in at the event and proceed to the cafetorium where Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly talks with Gilbertt Mello about City bicycle routes before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard  and Yajaira Medeiros of People Incorporated open the session. (Row two) Chef Jessica Williams of Creating Healthy Solutions, Fitness Leader Mike Ramos, and Life Together Fellow Philip York start their sessions. (Row three) Participants engage in some fun exercises to music in the school gym. (Row four) People Incorporated nurse Elizabete Rodrigues takes a blood pressure while Fall River Police Officer Richard Saraiva fits a free helmet, and Philip York talks with another family about the problem of sugar-sweetened drinks. (Bottom row) Chef Jessica and Mike Ramos finish their sessions before Yajaira and Marcia conclude the evening  with a raffle drawing to give away a Stop & Shop gift certificate donated by People Incorporated and five bags of groceries donated by Partners. 

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