Representatives of the Gastón Institute were invited by Kathy Murphy, Community Organizer for United Interfaith Action, to come to Fall River on October 17, 2014 to describe a new grant that they received to address enrollment of non-English-speaking populations in health insurance. Meeting at the First Baptist Church, the group listened to a presentation about "ˇTodos Juntos!" by Ana Galeas, Program Manager for the Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston. In addition to Institute Director Dr. Maria Idali Torres, the meeting was also attended by Institute staff Crys Jimenez, Chanel Fields and Christina Brinkerhoff. Representatives of Saint Anne's Hospital Natalia Konarski, Tracy Ibbotson and Jennifer Espinola were also in attendance. Following Dr. Galeas' presentation on outreach into faith-based communities, the group discussed ways of identifying and training people who can become advocates for their own communities. For more information, contact Kathy Murphy at 401-391-7739.

(Top row, left and right) United Interfaith Action Community Organizer Kathleen Murphy talks with Chanel Fields. Crys Jimenez, and Dr. Maria Idali Torres before the presentation. (Top row, center) Program Manager Ana Galeas and Christina Brinkerhoff set up the projector for the presentation. (Middle row, left) Kathy Murphy introduces Jennifer Espinola, Tracy Ibbotson and Natalia Konarski from Saint Anne's Hospital. (Middle row, right) Ana Galeas listens as Dr. Torres makes a point. (Bottom row, left and center) Crys Jimenez, Dr. Torres and Kathy Murphy listen as Chjrstina Brinkerhoff makes a point. (Bottom row, right) Tracy Ibbotson thanks Ana Galeas at the end of the meeting.

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