More than 1,400 runners competed in the 20th Annual Officer Thomas J. Giunta Memorial 5K Road Race on a perfect April 6, 2014. The opening ceremony included the Fall River Police Department color guard and the National Anthem led by the South Coast Community Chorale. Some of the Fall River Fitness Challenge participants took part along with several City Councilors and at least one State Representative. Runners took off from the corner of Bank and High Streets and headed up High Street on the course that ran down New Boston Road, Oak Grove Avenue and ended in front of the Salvation Army on Bedford Street.Nineteen-year-old Matthew Moussamih, who won last year's race, came in first this year while Lindsay Anspach took the lead among the women. Click here to see race results. Click here to see a video of the race. Click here for the Herald News article. To see photos from last year's race, click here. For further information about the Fitness Challenge, contact CD-REC Program Director Annemarie Sharkey at 508-679-0522.


(Top row) A team of runners from the Deaconness Home poses for a photo as City Councilor Paul DaSilva talks with Fall River Police Chief Dan Racine and Rachel Rapoza of the South Coast Community Chorale talks with Race Coordinator Dave Pacheco. (Row two) Sixty place winner David Mohamed lines up with State Representative Carole Fiola before the starting gun. (Row three, right) Fitness Challenge participant James Bellizzi makes his way up Highland Avenue with the other runners. (Bottom row, left) Ryan Resendez paces David Mohamed at the halfway point. (Bottom row, right) James Bellizzi, center, crosses the finish line at at 26 minutes, 16 seconds

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