Members of the Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being, an ad hoc group of Partners for a Healthier Community formed in response to the challenges posed by homeless families living in local motels, held a meeting in the HealthFirst Community Room on December 17, 2014. Coalition Chair and Executive Director of United Neighbors of Fall River Wendy Garf-Lipp welcomed the group and led a discussion about recent efforts to provide assistance to the homeless families living in Somerset and Swansea motels. She detailed recent efforts to provide holiday meals, healthy cooking classes, van and bus transportation, recreation for children, health screening with UMass School of Nursing, and donations of clothing and toiletries. The group works continuously to provide resources and assistance for families, and future donations are welcomed from any source as long as they are coordinated through the coalition. Anyone with an interest is also welcome to attend the monthly meetings, usually held on the third Wednesday of the month. Contact Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900 for the date and time of the next meeting.

(Top row) United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp welcomes everyone to the meeting and introduces former Partners SCI Intern Brian Moses who will be working full time with the Coalition before Michelle Dunse of the Fall River Public Schools comments. (Row two) Sheila Cabral and Terry Bernardino of Head Start and Chasity Armstrong-Menard of the Family Recovery Project listen as Wendy talks with Brian and SCI Intern Sophie Fierst takes notes. (Row three) Heather Beyer of Catholic Social Services, Lorraine Art of MA DPH F.O.R. Families Program and Carmen Mejil of People Incorporated talk about coordinating transportation services for families. (Bottom row) Life Together Fellow Adrian Paulino makes some suggestions about publicizing the Coalition's work as Wendy responds.



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