Representatives of six of the ten investors in a new on-line information resource met on June 25, 2014 with Colleen Dawicki of the UMass-Darmouth Urban Initiative to finalize plans for the launch of the web site. Planning for a web-based "Dashboard" of databases, surveys and reports began more than a year ago. The ideas was to create a "one stop shopping" site that would contain all of the links to relevant national, statewide, regional, and local statistics that are available to describe the health and related data for the South Coast Region. Once consensus was reached on what should be included, health and human service agencies were polled to determine which ones were willing to finance the development of the site. By December, nine organizations signed on and one joined several months later, so the project could be assigned to Medium Studio to develop the site. After several reviews and a choice of a URL and logo, the project was ready to launch in July of 2014. Information about subscribing is available on the site as well as description of its features and directions for navigation. For more information about this project, contact Healthy City Fall River Coordinator Dr. David Weed at 508-837-9029.

(Top row) Tracy Ibbotson of Saint Anne's Hospital, Stephanie Harrington of the New Bedford Health Department, Kerry Mello of Southcoast Health, Colleen Dawicki of the UMass-Darmouth Urban Institute, Brenda Weis of the New Bedford Health Department, and David Borges of the Center for Policy Analysis meet in late January at the Center office in Dartmouth to make decisions about the content and layout of the site. (Bottom row) Ms. Dawicki describes the site just before it's ready to launch as Wendy Garf-Lipp of United Neighbors of Fall River listens.

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