The HealthFirst Family Care Center held its Second Annual Diabetes Health Fair at its Quarry Street headquarters on November 20, 2014. "We also want to increases smoking cessation awareness as today in the Great American Smoke-out Day," noted dietitian and diabetes educator Pam Bermudez who works at HealthFirst. The event included a raffle for a variety of prizes along with tables featuring information on sugar-sweetened beverages, a blood pressure and cholesterol screening table, a table featuring the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program, and table for a number of diabetes products and insurance providers. People were able to visit the exhibits and talk with a variety of providers as they came to the clinic for their regular appointments. HealthFirst is a resource for people struggling through difficult times, whether unemployed, a single parent or a recent immigrant. Click here for a three-minute video of the event.  For more information, contact Pam Bermudez at 508-679-9376, Ext. 285.

(Top row) HealthFirst dietitian and diabetes educator Pam Bermudez talks with someone at her display on sugar-sweetened beverages. (Row two) HealthFirst Patient Navigator Ana Sousa looks at her display that includes free socks given to women aged 40-64. (Row three) Novo Nordisk representative Aimee Sweeney talks with participants while three-year-old Jan Mark, his mother Janice Otera, and Marcia Garcia pose for a photo. (Bottom row) HealthFirst custodian Paul St. Laurent has his blood pressure and blood sugar checked by Peg Marchand while WIC Health and Nutrition Community Coordinator Lisa Alves offers a free measuring cup to one of the participants. 

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