Team members prepared to conduct the annual point-in-time count of homeless persons for the Community Development Agency starting on January 30, 2014. The Department of Housing and Urban Development mandates that communities across the nation perform a count of homeless at the end of every January. This year Fall River ramped up its efforts to count the unsheltered homeless (those living on the streets or in places not meant for human habitation) by having five teams of formerly homeless individuals led by service provider agency staff. The teams walked the streets and visited public places such as fast food restaurants, soup kitchens, and laundro-mats. They also visited areas near high schools and colleges in search of unaccompanied youth. Youth who agreed to complete a survey were offered a $15 gift certificate as an incentive. The team also provided homeless individuals with survival kits and resource pamphlets. Click here for a brief video about the survey. For more information, contact Mary Camara at 508-679-0131.

(Top row, left) Ryan Heap picks up some materials for the survey from Tom Mello and Steve DeMello. (Top row, center) Mike Bryant, Mike Dion and Ryan Heap confer on plans with Steve DeMello. (Top row, right) Ryan checks on procedure with Tom. (Middle row) Materials for the survey include gift cards to give to those who agree to complete a federal youth survey form, right) (Bottom row, left) Community Development Agency Director Mike Dion and Planning and Housing Coordinator Mary Camara go over procedures with Tom . (Bottom row, center) Fall River is divided into five sectors for the survey. (Bottom row, right) Steve DeMello gives survey materials to team members Michael Morrell and Angel Corey as they prepare to look for homeless teens at the Dunkin Donuts across from B.M.C. Durfee High School.

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