Mayor William Flanagan and Representative Carole Fiola were on hand to kick-off he 2014 summer season of Greater Fall River Re-creation programs and activities at a three-hour free celebration of music, food and fun for hundreds of people at Ruggles Park on June 21st. Activities included a rock climbing wall, pony rides, arts and crafts, games and prizes, face painting, and carnival games. A number of agencies offered information and give-aways to participants. Partners for a Healthier Community offered their Soda-free table, and free pizza and refreshments were provided by Seth Hockert-lotz of Domino's Pizza South Main Street. The event helps people learn about City safety programs as well as the summer Lunch and Park program and other summer offerings through Re-Creation. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for an five-minute video of the event. Click here to see pictures from last year's event. For more information about any of their summer programs, contact Greater Fall River Re-Creation at 508-679-0922.

(Top row, left) Greater Fall River Re-Creation Program Director Jamison Souza and Executive Director Grace Gerling are joined by State Representative Carole Fiola and Mayor Flanagan as they welcome the crowd to the event. (Top row, center and right) Coach Kim Ferrara of Wiggle Kids gets kids bouncing to music. (Row two) Ashlee and Aimee Lanciault pose with their newly painted faces as Wendy Garf-Lipp of United Neighbors paints Aiden Smith' face. (Row three) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks about the Partners for a Healthier Community Soda-free Pledge campaign before showing Vanessa Ward,Melissa LeClair and her daughter, Savannah, how to make giant bubbles with two soda straws, a piece of string, and some liquid detergent. (Row four) As another child tries out the bubble-maker, Derick Cordeva gets a hand from Home Depot staff member Carlos Vasconceles in making a tool box. (Row five) Robert Cormier of the District Attorney's office gives out information on safety to Christina Devoe and others while Brian Moses talks about and other resources available through United Neighbors. (Bottom row) Leticia Thomas takes a photo of seven-year-old Kelson Kalunga as he gets ready to ride a pony from Rebello's Farm while other children try out the Carabiner's climbing wall.

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