About 50 students at the Morton Middle School, and their parents, came out on a cold November 19th night for a special Family Matters event with a focus on fitness and nutrition. The program engaged students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered a nutrition education session with Ann Duhaime of the 21st Century after-school program and a fun workout with multi-talented facilitators Soklim Chhean and Nancita Alejandro, as well as the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including Child and Family Services, Children's Advocacy Center, Citizens for Citizens, Greater Fall River Re-Creation, HealthFirst Dental Program, Katie Brown Educational Program, Road to Healing, Saint Anne's Hospital, Smash Table Tennis Club, Southoast Health, United Neighbors of Fall River, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering it Soda-Free Challenge. Click here for a 23-minute video of the event. Click here for pictures and video from last year's event.  For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard st 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Maureen Estes Flanagan, Morton Middle School's Coordinator for the 21st Century Community Learning Center, meets with student guides Amy Lynn Gueye, Divine Siam, Kaitlyn Ferreira, Allyson Holding, and Anthony Muniz before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes the group in the auditorium. (Row two) Facilitators Nancita Alejandro, in green, and Soklim Chhean, in blue, get one group started on some fun dance moves in the gym. (Row three, left and center) Greater Fall River Re-Creation Youth Development Fellow Jessica Grazulis talks with some students about their programs as SCI Americorps Volunteer Sophie Fierst talks with some parents about resources at United Neighbors of Fall River. (Row three right and row four) Ann Duhaime of the 21st Century after-school program invites student and their parents to put together some healthy snacks. (Row five) As Nancita works with another group, four-year-old Analya Ruiz and eight-year-old Vanelix Rivera try out their pinwheels. (Bottom row) Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angela Bras talks with a mother and daughter about sugar-sweetened beverages and energy drinks before School Principal Sheryl Rabbitt and Maureen Estes Flanagan draw winning door prize tickets and hand out bags of healthy foods to five lucky families including Fermina Reyes. 

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