The New Bedford Wellness Initiative is an effort to raise health awareness with the goal to help prevent disease and recover from illness through healthy living and not just medications. Dr. Michael Rocha has been leading a monthly wellness walk around Buttonwood Park on the first Saturday of each month since April 2014. The group headed off on its third walk on June 7, 2014, to the accompaniment of trombone, trumpet and guitar music on a gorgeous spring day. Over one hundred people joined the two-mile walk around the park which ended with the opportunity to participate in a yoga class led by Pam Teves of South Coast Yoga and offered by Laura Broekel and Catherine O'Berry from Down to Earth Natural Foods. "There are many wonderful resources already present in the community, and we can share these with one another," says Dr. Rocha on his Facebook page. "The power to change is within each of us." The walks are open to anyone and are scheduled on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the Buttonwood Park Zoo. Click here for a for a six-minute video of the walk. For more information, go to the New Bedford Wellness Initiative Facebook page.

(Top row) A crowd of over one hundred walkers gathers near the parking lot of the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford where Dr. Michael Rocha, right, begins his monthly walks. (Rows two and three) The group heads off on the two-mile route around the Park along Brownell Avenue on a beautiful June Saturday. (Bottom row) The group rounds the North End of the Park on Route 6 before returning along Rockdale Avenue to the parking lot where they are greeted by Dr. Rocha.

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