Senior citizens at the Niagara-Maplewood Senior Center had the opportunity to take a walk on the Watuppa as part of a Fall River Mass In Motion Healthy Aging Initiative Project to get more seniors walking. The Project began with two walks along the South Watuppa Pond Bicycle Path, one with the Flint Senior Center on June 5th and the second one on June 11, 2014 with participants from the Niagara Center. "We're starting by getting some ideas from seniors from the Center on how to encourage more seniors to walk," stated Fall River Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly. "The walk really stimulated discussion on what some of the barriers are and what motivates people to walk," she added. Newly-hired Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade joined the group and helped Ms. Kelly poll the walkers. Eric will be working over the summer with seniors at the Niagara Center and the Flint Senior Center to encourage walking on the part of those who attend the Centers on a regular basis. Click here for a six-minute video of the walk. For more information about the program, contact Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405 or Associate Council on Aging Director Pauline Gousie at 508-324-2401.


(Top row) Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade joins Mass In Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly on the trolley ride to the LePage's parking lot adjoining the South Watuppa bicycle path. (Row two) Ms. Kelly explains the reason for the walk and enlists the support of the participants in the survey. (Row three) Ms. Kelly introduces Mr. Andrade before the walkers take off. (Bottom row) Following the walk, participants enjoy some water, fresh fruit and bagels as Mr. Andrade polls the group about walking before returning to the trolley for the ride back to the Center.

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