School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, whose position is funded through Partners for a Healthier Community, invited Bill Sampaio to introduce the Physical Education teachers to this unique teaching device on April 3, 2014. Futsal (derived from a combination of the Portuguese "futebol" and "salão" or indoor arena), which originated in the 1930s in Uruguay as a way of making soccer more available to youth as it could be played year around in indoor settings. Mr. Sampaio teaches the basics of the game, which is played with five-member teams and a smaller ball than soccer and then incorporates math and language learning as part of the program in the school gymnasium. Futsal uses aerobics and fitness as a means to support a better understanding of mathematical vocabulary and concepts. The integration of the mathematics content with physical activities can help students actualize the mathematics and at the same time promote health and fitness. "The teachers really got into it and could see how they could use it in their classes," commented Ms. Picard who brings these teachers together monthly on a variety of topics.  For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Bill Sampaio instructs the teachers in the principles behind the game and then hands out pedometers to each of them to wear during a game.. (Middle row) Teachers Stephanie Ponte, Leo Souza, Rob Harvey and Cynthia Mello choose their jerseys before donning them for a game during which Carol Perry-Jepson from the Letourneau school raises her arms to stop the game. (Bottom row) Matt Scott and Jason Springer, right, add their numbers to the chart of their pedometer counts  to show how their activity rate went up during the game and Mr. Sampaio draws a line through the middle to show the average mileage for the group.. 

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