Officers from the Fall River Police Department, staff members of MassBike and SRPEDD, members of the Fall River Bicycle Committee and a number of volunteers had the opportunity to teach young riders how to ride bicycles safely on the grounds of B.M.C. Durfee High School on May 18, 2014. "This was a wonderful opportunity for parents to introduce their children to safe bicycle practices," commented Fall River Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly who organized the event. Children had the chance to compete in a "Slow Bike Race" to see who could stay balanced while riding slowly, as well as a straight-line obstacle course. The Kivanis Club of Fall River and BMC HealthNet Plan donated over 200 free helmets, and staff were on hand to fit them properly on the children. This is one of several opportunities to offer bicycle safety education to children over the summer months. Click here for an eight-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of a safety training session with MassBike. For more information about the project, contact Julianne Kelly at 508-324-2405.

(Top row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard checks in some children who are then able to get fitted for free helmets with Fall River Police Officer Richard Saraiva. (Row two, center and right) Three-year-old Sophia Meleo gets help from her mother, Stephanie, as Kim Niedermeir of MassBike helps Kris Patel with his helmet. (Row three) Tom Lapointe of Fall River Bike Advocates lets children try out his Catrike recumbent bike as Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julie Kelly poses for a photo. (Row four) Bob Polakowski of BikeWorks in Swansea assists Frank Menenzes and Matthew Cuvellier of Bike Fall River make adjustments to bicycles. (Row four, right) Officer John Robinson waits for the next event with Kyle Robinson. (Bottom row, left) Jim Cusick of Bike Fall River arranges literature on the South Coast Bikeway table while State Representatives Paul Schmid and Carole Fiola talk with the volunteers. 

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