What should health and health care in America look like? And how do we spark the thinking, collaboration and sustained change that will get us there? Two representatives of Partners for a Healthier Community were invited to spend two days in Chicago with representatives of ten similar initiatives around the country to consider new options for achieving their goals with the help of ReThink Health Roundtable staff. The flagship initiative of the Rippel Foundation, ReThink Health, was founded in 2007 by some of the nation's most influential change-makers in health, economics, politics, business and energy. ReThink Health works in communities to help them foster leadership and test innovative ideas for reshaping and redesigning their health and health care systems, continuously learning with those who strive for significant system-wide influence. Drawing on lessons from diverse contexts, ReThnk Health focuses on three areas critical to regional reform: active stewardship; effective strategy and sustainable financing. Click here for a 15 minute video of some of the program. Contact Partners Executive Director David Weed for more information about the event.

(Top row) Wendy Garf-Lipp and Dave Weed of Partners leave Providence at 7:00 a.m. to join ReThink's Managing Director M. Sherry Immediato as she welcomes eleven groups from across the country for two days of discussion at the O'Hare Hilton Hotel in Chicago. (Row two) Rippel Foundation's President and CEO and ReThink Health's founder and chair Laura K. Landy describes the history of the Foundation and the ReThink Health project before Matt Guy of the Pueblo, CO, Triple Aim Corporation prepares to describe his project on-camera. (Row three) ReThink Health's Systems Strategy and Sustainable Financing Director Bobby Milstein and Multi-Stakeholder Leadership Team Director Ruth Wageman describe other aspects of the project, including the Dynamic Modeling and Strategy.. (Row Four) Greater Fall River Partners representatives David Weed and Wendy Garf-Lipp describe the accomplishments and challenges of their work in Greater Fall River before fellow Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize Award Winners Michelle Lyn and Gayle Harris of the Partnership for Healthy Durham, NC, talk about theirs. (Bottom row) The group hears a poem about leadership by Mary Lou Anderson before Lloyd Michener, MD of the Duke Center for Community Research and David Kindig, MD, PhD, of the Population Health Improvements Project at the University of Wisconsin make some closing remarks.














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