Staff from the Southesastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) joined a public forum on August 19, 2014 at the Fall River Bus Terminal to explain upcoming route changes to accommodate the increasing number of consumers who wish to shop at the new Walmart Store on Quequechan Street. The route changes were announced by the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) who operates buses in the City and affects Routes 5, 9 and 10. "The best way we could do this that would cost the least amount of money and affect the least amount of people was to . . . change three bus routes," stated Marty Burke of SRTA. The new routes will actually expand a portion of an existing route. "We're now going to serve the section of Pleasant Street that [Bus Route 6] used to serve and serve this new section on Eastern Avenue, thus serving these housing developments with service every hour," he pointed out on the maps. Following questions, Mr. Burke alerted riders to the new schedules that will go into effect on September 2nd. Click here for a seven-minute   video of the forum. Click here for the Herald News story.  For more information on bus schedules, call 508-999-5211. 

(Top row) Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) official Marty Burke explains the new routes at the public forum held at the Louis D. Pettine  Transportation Center on 4th Street in Fall River. (Row two) The new routes were displayed for the presentation on large maps. (Row three) Following his presentation, Mr. Burke opened the forum to questions from the public. (Bottom row) Shayne Trimbell, SRPEDD Director of Transportation Planning for SRPEDD and Angela Azevedo, Transportation Planner and Mobility Management, were on hand to respond to questions.

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