Friends, supporters and officials were invited on April 4, 2014 to Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) for an open house and tours of the new Open Access Primary and Behavioral Healthcare Clinics. With its "no appointment necessary" model, SSTAR will provide assessments, individual and group counseling on a walk-in basis at the Stanley Street facility. Board Member Senator Michael Rodrigues, and State Representatives Carole Fiola and Alan Silva joined Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt, City Councilor Jasiel Correia and Board President Marilyn Rodrigues for a brief welcome. In addition, Eurasia Foundation Director of US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange Laurens Ayvazian praised the innovative approach to treatment that he hoped to see replicated in Russia where Ms. Paull has been consulting over the past decade. Click here for a eight-minute  video of the ceremony. For more information, contact Nancy Paull at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources at 508-324-3500.

(Top row) Nancy Paul welcomes visitors to the open house where tours of the new treatment rooms were offered. (Row two) Eurasia Foundation Director of US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange Laurens Ayvazian expresses his appreciation for the assistance that Ms. Paull has given Russian treatment providers over the years. (Row three) SSTAR Prevention Director Mike Aguiar, Health and Human Services Director Dr. Vaillancourt, Youth Leader Tyler Araujo and Councilor Jasiel Correia II talk while Ms. Paul is interviewed by Dana Griffin of Channel 6 News. (Bottom row) City Councilor Jasiel Correia II talks with Eugene St. Pierre while Represenratives Fiola an Silvia talk with James McKenna and Marilyn Rodrigues greets other guests.

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