Senior citizens from across the City met at the North End Senior Center on July 2, 2014 to learn about a training program to enable seniors to perform "walk audits" as part of a Fall River Mass In Motion Healthy Aging Initiative Project to get more seniors walking. On July 9th, the Project will train seniors from throughout the City at the Niagara Senior Center on how to conduct audits of various walking routes, especially around senior centers. Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly and Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade used the session to describe the program and then solicit ideas from those present on the challenges that the environment presents to walkers, seniors and others as well. State Representative Carole Fiola joined the discussion and helped to update the group on the various construction projects around the City. "It was a wonderful morning," stated Julie Kelly. "We got some terrific input and even had a chance to do an informal audit of the walk to the Taunton River," she added. Eric will be working over the summer with seniors at the Niagara Center and the Flint Senior Center to encourage walking on the part of those who attend the Centers on a regular basis. Click here for a 48-minute video of the presentation and the walk. For more information about the program, contact Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405 or Associate Council on Aging Director Pauline Gousie at 508-324-2401.

(Top row) Seniors join Council on Aging Associate Director Pauline Gousie, center, for a light breakfast at the North End Senior Center on President Avenue. (Top row, center and right) Mass In Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly and Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade talk with one of the seniors about joining the audit before Eric does a presentation on the project. (Row two) Representative Carole Fiola talks about some of the construction projects nearby that will eventually improve the walkability of the area before Julie begins a discussion with the group. (Bottom two rows) The group joins Julie for a short walk from the Center to Independence Park and spectacular views of the Taunton River.

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