Senior citizens from across the City met at Fall River Government Center on September 24, 2014 to hear a summary report of the results of the "walk audits" they participated in over the prervious three months as part of a Fall River Mass In Motion Healthy Aging Initiative Project to get more seniors walking. The Project trained seniors from throughout the City at the Niagara Senior Center on how to conduct audits of various walking routes, especially around senior centers. Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly and Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade then compiled the results of those audits which were presented to City officials, including Director of Community Maintenance Keneth Pacheco, Planning Department Director Elizabeth Dennehy, Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator Perry Long, Council on Aging Associate Director Pauline Gousie, Traffic and Parking Clerk Laura Ferreira, Police Commander of Planning and Training Sgt. Andrew Crook, and Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt. "We got some terrific input and very specific ideas on areas that can be improved to make walking easier throughout the City for seniors and others," concluded Ms. Kelly. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for a one-hour video of the presentation. For more information about the program, contact Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405 or Associate Council on Aging Director Pauline Gousie at 508-324-2401.

(Top row) Healthy Aging Initiative Coordinator Eric Andrade begins his report after Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly introduced those at the table, including Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator Perry Long and Julie Cleare. (Row two) Community Maintenance Director Keneth Pacheco, Planning Department Director Elizabeth Dennehy, Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, Cathy Duclos, and Raoul Aleno introduce themselves. (Row three) Ben B., Council on Aging Associate Director Pauline Gousie, Richard Lopes, Laura Lopes, Traffic and Parking Clerk Laura Ferreira,Cathy Lowney, Nan Audette, Debra Cross, Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt, and Fall River Police Commander of Planning and Training Sgt. Andrew Crook introduce themselves before discussing some of the findings of the report. (Bottom row) Project participants gather for a celebratory lunch and photo session with Ms. Gousie following the meeting.

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