The Regional Cancer Center at Saint Annes Hospital held its 19th annual skin cancer screening on May 20, 2014 by board-certified dermatologists. These visual screenings are designed to examine specific areas of concern that anyone has free of charge. "We started out at the Truesdale Clinic forty years ago, and Dr. Rex and I were the first in the nation. . . to start doing these," stated dermatologist Arthur Daily, M.D. who was on hand at the screening. "They've been ultimately successful both at recognizing and treating skin cancer in patients who otherwise might not have that opportunity," he added. The American Cancer Society advises getting a skin cancer screening for anyone who notices a change on the skin, especially in the size or color of a mole or other darkly-pigmented growth or spot, or a new growth. Also scaliness, oozing, bleeding or changes in the appearance of a bump or nodule might also be a sign as is the spread of pigmentation beyond its border, such as dark coloring that spreads past the edge of a mole or mark  Click here for a 90-second video of the screening. For more information, contact Coordinator of Strategic Communications Anne Ferreira at 508-235-5056.

(Top row) Saint Anne's Hospital Cancer Registrar Diana Hughes, CTR, and Oncology Coder Dawn Cavanaugh, RHIT, CCS, CTR, welcome patients at the free screening and offer free sun screen lotion as part of the screening. (Rows two and three) Physician Arthur Daily, M.D., talks with Jesse Bertholde before he performs a screening on his chest which has been exposed to the sun over many years and resulted in the need to remove some cancerous cells a number of years ago. (Bottom row) Dr. Daily found no new cancer and talks with Hospital Public Relations Director Anne Ferreira about the success of the program over the past twenty years in detecting and successfully removing skin cancers before they became a serious problem.

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