Greater Fall River Re-Creation held its first annual Soap Box Derby at North Park on August 9, 2014. Over twenty-five entrants assembled at the top of the course on Snake Hill in North Park to compete in a round-robin to determine the fastest racer. Mayor William Flanagan and State Representative Carole Fiola were on hand to wish the racers good luck. Re-Creation Program Director Jamison Souza officiated with assistance from George Giguere, an official from the All American Soap Box Derby. The event was open to children between the ages of five and twelve. Registration was $25 for entrants who built their own cars and $90 for those who purchased a ready-to-assemble kit from Re-Creation. Certificates were awarded to the fastest car and the most creative car design. Click here for seven-minute video of the event. Click here for the Herald News story. For more information, contact Jamison Souza at Greater Fall River Re-Creation at 508-679-0922.

(Top row, left) Bobby, Tyler, Nick and Liz Pimentel pose for a photo before Nick dons his helmet. (Top row, center) Over twenty-five entrants get their race cars ready at the top of the course on Snake Hill in North Park. (Top row, right) Re-Creation Program Director Jamison Souza talks with Ron Rioux, whose six-year-old son, Jack, is competing. (Row two, left) Luis Maroto poses for a photo with his son, Bradley. (Row two, center) All American Soap Box Derby Offficial George Giguere signals the start of the race. (Row two) State Representative Carole Fiola poses with one of the girls in the race along with James Darlington. (Row three) Mayor William Flanagan poses with Mr. Giguere, Representative Fiola, Mr. Souza and all of the racers pose for a group photo. (Row four) Twelve-year-old Drew Perry gets ready to race while six-year-old Luca Machado races down Snake Hill. (Bottom row, left and center) Luca gets his picture taken as he crosses the finish line while Bradley Maroto gets help taking his helmet off from his mother. (Bottom row, right) Gabriel Baxter, left, looks at his vehicle with his uncle, Chris Fitzgerald, right.












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