The Partners Soda-free Campaign traveled to the Boys & Girls Club of Fall River's Camp Welch in nearby Assonet on August 19, 2014 to urge campers to reduce or eliminate soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages. This was part of an ongoing effort to educate children and adults that soda is one of the largest sources of empty calories that contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Sugars from soda and other foods are also a major contributor to tooth decay. School Wellness coordinator Marcia Picard engaged the group in a discussion in which she pointed out that a two-liter bottle of soda contains 53 teaspoons of sugar after illustrating it by having 53 kids line up. "This is a substance that's classified as a hazardous substance when carried in tank trucks" she exclaimed.  "Imagine what that will do to your stomach," she asked. She also noted the high amounts of sugar in fruit juices which should be limited to four to six ounces a day for children. Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy noted that the Camp hasn't served soda for years. Click here to see a 17-minute video of the presentation. Click here for photos of last year's presentation. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard st 774-526-7149.

(Top row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard is introduced to the campers by Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy. (Row two) Marcia asks kids about the nutritional value of sugar, which most agreed is not good for them. (Row three) Marcia invites 53 kids to line up to illustrate the number of teaspoons of sugar in a 2-liter bottle of soda. (Bottom row) Camp staff members Noah Quintal and Mark Massa  help her make the point about choosing water, milk or unsweetened beverages as an alternative to soda, with which Jaden Souza, Cavaun Vasconcellos and Dayshaun Biglow agree.

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