School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, whose position is funded through Partners for a Healthier Community, held a monthly meeting with the health and physical education faculty for the Fall River Schools on February 10, 2014, at the Spencer-Borden Elementary School. The meeting provided and opportunity for Ms. Picard to bring Healthy City Fall River coordinator Dr. David Weed, who presented a year earlier, back to give an update entitled "The Problem with Sugar - Part II." His presentation covered the recent report that too much sugar is linked to fatal heart disease. Dr. Weed covered the problem with sodas and fruit juices before he introduced a new video on the problem that describes how the problem has developed in the U.S. and around the world. The rational for the Soda-Free Challenge launched by Partners three years ago was also described along with ideas for how teachers could introduce the topic with students. Click here for a great resource for teachers and parents on this topic. Click here for photos from last year. For more information, contact Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107. (Photos courtesy of Brian Moses)


(Top row) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes the physical education staff in the community room of the Spencer Borden Elementary School for their monthly meeting. (Row two) Dr. Weed goes over the current situation where dietary fats have been replaced with sugars in a mistaken attempt to address heart disease. (Row three) After pointing out the two vending machines in the room with sugary drinks and snacks to Ms. Picard, Jason Springer and Ryan Andrade, Dr. Weed points out that the increase in added sugars has, in fact, increased risks for heart disease along with steady weight gain and related issues in the U.S. and around the world. (Bottom row) After showing the video "Toxic Sugar" he discusses ideas for reaching students with new information about the dangers of too much sugar and ways that they can limit their intake with teachers John Harrington, Ronald Frazier and Michelle Oehmen.

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