Fall River Area legislators were invited to meet with Tobacco Control Program Coordinator Marilyn Edge at Government Center on January 17, 2014 to be updated on current initiatives. Ms. Edge was joined by Tobacco Control Inspector Sarah LeRoux and Judith Coykendall, Director of Partners for Clean Air, a program of Seven Hills Behavioral Health, Ms. Edge reviewed current efforts to reduce both use of and sales of tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, hookahs, and tobacco products used by young people to smoke marijuana. The continued high rate of tobacco use in Fall River was noted by several of the legislators, as well as the high rates of bronchus and lung cancer among both men and women in the City. Ms. Edge passed out copies of Twenty Years of Making Smoking History in Massachusetts, a timeline of progress in reducing smoking over the past two decades. The group pledged to continue their support of tobacco-related initiatives, especially those affecting youth that will be highlighted in the upcoming Kick Butts Day at the State House on March 19th. For more about the tobacco control, contact Marilyn Edge at 508-324-2423.

(Top row) State Representatives Carole Fiola and Alan Silvia are introduced to Partners for Clean Air Director Judith Coykendall and Inspector Sarah LeRoux before the meeting begins. (Row two) Ms. Edge  and Ms. Coykendall go over recent progress in enforcing current regulations restricting the sale and use of tobacco and tobacco products and then reviews current initiatives to extend those restrictions throughout the Region as Representative Fiola, Senator Rodrigues and Representative Schmid's aide, Anthony Veilleux, listen. (Row three) Representative Fiola and Senator Michael Rodrigues ask about specific legislation that they  could support in the current session. (Bottom row, left and center) Representative Alan Silva makes several points about the benefits of reducing tobacco use on the costs of health care before Ms. Fiola points out the high rates of tobacco use within the City. (Bottom row, right) Representative Paul Schmid speaks with Ms. LeRoux following the meeting.

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