The Leduc Center for Civic Engagement organized a tour for University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School of Nursing's new Dean and other faculty members and graduate students to New Bedford and Fall River on September 23, 2014. The tour introduced faculty to some of the principal players in community health and provided the opportunity to begin to explore future collaborations. The Fall River portion of the tour began with a visit to Stanley Street Treatment and Resource's South End Services at 1010 South Main Street where Clinic Director Denise Wright and Psychologist Fred Rocco described their service model. Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly then took the group on a half-hour tour of some of the efforts to improve population health through environmental structures including parks and bicycle paths. The group finished their tour at the HealthFirst Family Care Center where CEO Julie Almond and Clinical Manager Linda Medeiros described a new clinical outreach program. WIC Program Director Colleen Kenyon talked about their work with young parents before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, United Neighbors Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp, and GFR Re-Creation Program Director Jamison Souza talked about community-based efforts to improve health. Click here for a 15-minute video of the tour and discussion.  For more information about the tour, contact Deirdre Healy, Assistant Director for the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement at 508-999-8641.

(Top row) Stanley Street Treatment and Resource's South End Services Clinic Director Denise Wright leads the group on a tour of the facility and describes their approach to clinical treatment. (Row two) Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly leads a tour of some of the City's environmental changes before Partners CEO David Weed introduces Julie Almond, CEO of the HealthFirst Family Care Center who describes their services. (Row three) Deirdre Healy, Assistant Director for the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, left, listens as Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard describes a campaign to reduce childhood obesity by decreasing sugar-sweetened beverages. (Row four, left and center) Under the plaque from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize, Greater Fall River Re-Creation Program Director Jamison Souza describes youth programs before United Neighbors Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp talks about violence prevention work and support of homeless families living in area motels. (Bottom row) Dr. Mary McCurry of UMass talks about the UMass program while Dr. Caitlin Stover listens and Dean Kimberly Christophe, Ph.D. and other staff comment.   

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