Representative Carole Fiola invited Fall River residents to join her on July 7, 2014 for her first of three Walk and Talk events of the year at Independence Park and the boardwalk that runs along the Taunton River. "As a State Representative you try to be accessible to everyone in your district," she stated. "You know we do the coffee and conversations, we do office hours, we go to the senior centers, but . .  the district that I serve has so many beautiful walking paths and areas . . .today we start Walk and Talk with State Representative Carole Fiola here at Bicentennial Park." The group walk approximately half a mile to the new Cove Restaurant currently in the last stages of construction and slated to open by the end of July. General Manager Elroy Lazaro welcomed the group into the facility for a preview of its breathtaking views. Rep. Fiola described the other development projects underway that will transform the waterfront over the next ten years. The Representative met a number of people along the way, including former City Councilor and Point Gloria resident Al Alves. She is planning two additional walks, one around the pond at Bristol Community College and one in the Copicut Woods, both within her district. Click here for a 5-minute video of the walk. For more information, contact Representative Fiola at 508-641-0297 or on her Facebook page.

(Top row) Louisa Tavares, Richard and Laura Lopes, Aide Peter Daley and Joe Pacheco join Representative Fiola at the Iwo Jima Monument in Independence Park. (Row two) The group encounters former City Councilor Al Alves as they make their way along the walk. (Row three) After passing by Point Gloria, Nicole Abuzarifah listens as Representative Fiola tells Louisa about plans for lowering Route 79 and developing the waterfront over the next ten years. (Row four) The group makes their way to the new Cove Restaurant in its final stages of construction where they meet General Manager Elroy Lazaro. (Row five) Mr. Lazaro invites them to tour the deck overlooking Battleship Cove and the interior of the restaurant which will soon open for business. (Bottom row) The group returns to Independence Park after stopping to enjoy the view from a walkway that extends into the River. 

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