The New Bedford Wellness Initiative, an effort to raise health awareness with the goal to help prevent disease and recover from illness through healthy living and not just medications, held its sixth monthly walk in Buttonwood Park on September 6, 2014. Dr. Michael Rocha assembled over forty dedicated walkers for a two-mile walk around the Park on a humid Saturday morning. Walkers also had the opportunity to purchase fresh produce from Silverbook Farm in Dartmouth and to join a free meditation/stress reduction session with Jonathan Felix. "We've finally made a little blip on the mark," said Dr. Rocha "and the City is starting to take notice that we're trying to do something different to try to get people healthy through diet, exercise, dealing with stress." The walks are open to anyone and are scheduled on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the Buttonwood Park Zoo. Click here for a for an eight-minute video of the walk. Click here for photos and video of the August walk. For more information on the Initiative, go to the New Bedford Wellness Initiative Facebook page.

(Top row) Gloria McGreevy looks over the produce with Sharon Lewis that Tiffany Medeiros, center, of Silverbrook Farms in Dartmouth brought as Dr. Rocha talks with Bonnie Ortiz and Faith Burkley before the walk. (Row two) Over forty walkers take off on the two-mile route around Buttonwood Park. (Row three) Faith shares a laugh with another walker as they head out onto Rockland Street, and one-year-old Tyson Vanderveer sleeps while his parents push his carriage around the north end of the Park. (Bottom row, left) Cardiologist Dr.Michael Rocha, who organizes the walks, talks with Faith after the walk and learns that she feels more energized. (Bottom row, center and right) Bob Amancio selects some vegetables from the Silverbook Farms produce as Jonathan Felix waits for walkers to gather in the Park classroom for a session on meditation and stress reduction.

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