Members of the Southcoast Worksite Health & Wellness Collaborative enjoyed a presentation on the prevention of influenza infection for employers at the November 13, 2014 meeting held at the Sylvia Group Insurance Company headquarters on Faunce Corner Road in North Dartmouth. "The flu season has started," stated Saint Anne's Hospital Infection Control Coordinator Theresa Moss, RN, who began the presentation. She recommended that businesses go to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention web site for up-to-date information on preventing influenza infection specifically for businesses. Saint Anne's Hospital Employee Health Director Mary Riley, RN, talked about the heavy price that businesses can pay for having an unvaccinated workforce wherein one or two employees can cause dozens of others to be infected, often resulting in hundreds of hours of sick time for employers. The each emphasized the role of proper hand-washing as a primary method of reducing infections and talked about ways of training staff. The Collaborative holds regular monthly meetings at a variety of locations, usually on Thursday mornings starting at 8:30 a.m. and are open to any business or organizational representative from the South Coast area. Each session begins with a presentation on a particular topic. Past meetings have focused on presentations on a variety of topics.. Click here for a two-minute video of Ms.Moss's' presentation Anyone planning to attend is asked to RSVP Chairperson Angela Bras at 774-400-4466.

(Top row) Southcoast Worksite Collaborative Chairperson Angela Bras introduces Saint Anne's Hospital Infection Control Coordinator Theresa Moss, RN, and Employee Health Director Mary Riley, RN, who presented on influenza infections and business challenges. (Row two) Stephanie Boulay of Coastline Elderly Services in New Bedford asks Mary Riley about people who are unable to receive standard flu vaccinations. (Row three) Julie Jennings of Sylvia Insurance and PT Health and Safety Solutions President Josh Colberg respond to remarks by Theresa and Mary about ways to incentivize employees to get vaccinated. (Bottom row) Angela listens as Theresa responds to a question by Nicky D'Ambrosco of TKO Fitness.

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