Members of the Southcoast Worksite Health & Wellness Collaborative were introduced to Jason Colberg, DPT, CEAS, and Josh Clare, DPT, CSCS of PT Health and Safety Solutions at the June 12, 2014 meeting of the Collaborative held at Family Service Association in Fall River. As the PT Health and Safety Solutions web site states, their business specializes in personal health evaluation and education to give consumers the tools to prevent both acute injury as well as chronic disease. Chairperson Angela Bras introduced both of them to the group for a description of their services. The Collaborative holds regular monthly meetings at a variety of locations, usually on Thursday mornings starting at 8:30 a.m. Each session begins with a thirty-minute presentation on a particular topic. Past meetings have focused on healthy eating in the workplace, ergonomics,  CPR, and on substance abuse. Click here for a video of parts of this month's meeting. Meetings are open to any business or organizational representative from the South Coast area. Anyone planning to attend is asked to RSVP Chairperson Angela Bras at 774-400-4466.

(Top row) Members of the Collaborative gather in a small conference room at Family Service Association as Angela Bras, center, opens the meeting. (Row two) Claire Blais of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health listens as Josh Clare of PT Health and Safety Solutions describes the services they provide. (Row three) Company President Josh Colberg answers questions before passing around an iPad display of the Healthy U Portal that they make available to their customers. (Bottom row, left and center) Nicky D'Abrosca of the Southcoast YMCA, Barbara Tripp of BayCoast Bank, and Michelle Cabral of Blount Fine Foods look over the program. Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angela Bras talks with Family Service Association Director of Quality Improvement Susan Potvin after the meeting.

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