Members of the Southcoast Worksite Health & Wellness Collaborative held their fifth annual conference entitled  "New Frontiers in Worksite Wellness" on May 1, 2014 at the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center. About thirty-five representatives of local employers and others came together for the morning session to hear   presentations by Nicole Champagne of the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace, Gary Fradin of the Medical Guide, and Tara Healey of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. "This was a bit of a departure from our usual focus on nutrition and exercise," said Julia Jennings of the Sylvia Group of Insurance Agencies and Southcoast Worksite Collaborative member. The presentations covered the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program, Helping Employees Choose Medical Care Wisely and Adapting Principles of Mindfulness to a Corporate Environment. Click here for a video of Part I of the conference, here for Part II, and here for Part III. Click here for photos of last year's conference. For more information, contact Julia Jennings at 508-742-9234

(Top row) Conference participants sign in and enjoy a healthy breakfast in the lobby of the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center on Martine Street before gathering for the conference. (Row two) After participants introduce themselves, Nicole Champagne of the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace talks about the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program. (Row three) Josh Clare of Health and Safety Solutions shares a laugh with Clair Blais of the Public Health Worksite Wellness Program before Julie Jennings introduces Gary Fradin of the Medical Guide and Tara Healey of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. (Bottom row)  Angela Bras of Partners for a Healthier Community and Claudia Mullane of Julias Koch USA reminds people of the monthly Collaborative meetings.

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