Voices for a Healthy SouthCoast supported the development of a youth leadership group trained in advocacy, survey development and presentation skills. Youth learned how to design and implement a survey within their respective communities to assess attitudes toward healthy eating and active living policies. The training also included one-on-one presentation and public speaking coaching. Three of the young people who conducted the survey then presented their results at a meeting of Voices held at the Southeast Regional Health Office of the Department of Public health in New Bedford on January 28, 2014. The project was part of a five-year cancer prevention grant to address the high levels of obesity and tobacco use and the low level of physical activity found among residents of SouthCoast. Click here for a 10-minute video of the presentation. Click here for pictures and video of the initial training. For more information about the cancer prevention project, contact coordinator Maria Evora-Rosa at the Southeast Regional Office of DPH at 508-984-0618. To learn more about becoming involved In VOICES, contact Nancy Bonell at 508-996-9622 X 25.

(Top row) M+R Strategic Service’s consultant Gustavo Torrez introduces three of the six youth who participated in the project and conducted the survey including Lauren Roderigues, Kylee Acevedo and Larry Rego. (Row two) Fall River and New Bedford Mass in Motion coordinators Julie Kelly and Kim Ferreira and AmeriCorps VISTA Health and Wellness Specialist Megan Berthiaume from the YMCA Sharing the Harvest Community Farm in Dartmouth respond to the presentation. (Row three) Lauren and Megan respond to questions by VOICES member Gail Rodrigues. (Bottom row, left) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard makes a point while Judith Coykendall, Director of Partners for Clean Air, a program of Seven Hills Behavioral Health, listens. (Bottom row, center) Diane Pickles of M+R Strategic Service praises the group for their work as SouthCoast Healthy Housing and Workplace Initiative (SCHHWI) Wellness Advisor Nicky D'Abrosca and Southcoast Hospitals' Community Benefits Manager Kerry Mello listen.

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