Residents of the Chor Bishop Eid Housing Complex on Quequechan Street in the Flint were on hand on May 3, 2015 for the dedication of their community garden to the memory of Lynn, a resident who helped to get the garden going several years ago but passed away last year. Resident Katie Goldman, who's keeping the garden going, praised Lynn's energy and spirit that inspired others to get involved. Two raised beds were constructed two years ago with the help of now State Representative Carole Fiola and her husband, Ken, who did much of the original construction. A third bed was added this spring with a donation from Partners and help from the Fall River Housing Authority. The garden gives residents the opportunity to plant and raise their own fruits and vegetables, including beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. The produce is shared among the residents of the complex, many of who are physically unable to work in the garden. Click here for a12-minute video of the ceremony. For further information, contact Housing Authority Family and Youth Services Coordinator Joey DaSilva at 508-675-3500.

(Top row, left and right) Aide to Representative Carole Fiola Peter Daley greets Housing Authority staff member Jack Machado and resident Janice Gonsalves. (Top row, center) Resident Katie Goldman thanks resident Lorraine DeGagne for her donation of flowers for the garden. (Middle row) Residents gather outside to listen to Katie dedicate the garden to her friend, Lynn, the inspiration for the garden who passed away this past year. (Bottom row) Beverly Rodrigues poses for a photo with Janice Gonsalves in front of the raised beds that will soon be planted.

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