A former Social Capital Inc. Americorps Volunteer supported by Partners for a Healthier Community and United Neighbors of Fall River, Brian Moses was appointed as the full-time Partners Community Outreach Manager in December 2014. In this role, Brian will be working on a number of projects, including the Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being, the Permaculture Garden Project, and the Substance Abuse Task Force. In his role as an SCI Volunteer, Brian worked on a number of Family Fun Nights, including one at the Doran Elementary School, the Greene Elementary School, the Kuss Middle School, the Talbot Middle School, participated in a Parent Cafe training, two UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing Family Clinics, a suicide prevention training at Durfee High School, and the Kick-off to Summer event at Ruggles Park. For more information, contact Brian at 508-324-7900 ext. 100,.

(Top row) Brian works at a recent UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing Family Clinic, assists Wendy Garf-Lipp at a Parent Cafe training, and attends a suiicide prevention training at Durfee High School. (Row two) Brian works at last year's UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing Family Clinic, speaks at meeting of the e Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being, and tables at a Talbot Middle School Family Fun Night. (Row three) Brian tables at a Greene Elementary School Family Fun Night, works on services to homeless families in motels, and runs a Special Populations Survey at Durfee High School. (Bottom row) Brian talks with young people at a Kuss Middle School Family Fun Night, is pictured with Colby Bergeron, Wendy Garf-Lipp and Philip York at a Vagina Monologues performance, and tables at a Kick-off to Summer event at Ruggles Park.

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