Steppingstone, Inc. invited Massachusetts Department of Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel, M.D., M.P.H., to speak to and with their clients on September 20, 2015. Dr. Bharel became Commissioner in February 2015 and immediately began to spearhead the state's response to the opioid crisis. She is widely recognized for her dedication to healthcare for underserved and vulnerable populations, including ensuring that state and national health care reform efforts enhance the care for homeless individuals, without inadvertently widening health care disparities. "As Commissioner, I can tell you that right now we're in the middle of a crisis in Massachusetts related to addiction, and we all need to do our part together," noted Bharel. Her remarks were followed by those of Fall River Mayor Sam Sutter and two family members and two persons in recovery. The event concluded with remarks by First Step Inn Director Rosa Medeiros who led the release of purple balloons in memory of those whose lives were lost to addiction. Click here for a 42-minute video of the event. Click here for pictures of the annual Get Steppin' fundraiser .For further information, contact Kathy Clark at 508-674-2788, Ext. 110.  

(Top row, less) Melissa Kachapis stands next to a cake she baked for the event as Linda Jenness looks on. (Top row, center and right) First Step Inn Director Rosa Medeiros passes out balloons with Brooke Strollo to the waiting crowd. (Row two) Steppingstone Executive Director Kathy Clark introduces DPH Commissioner Dr. Monica Bharel and Fall River Mayor Sam Sutter for their remarks. (Row three) Family members Linda from Learn to Cope and Joan spoke about their concerns and John F. spoke about his recovery journey. (Row four) Ms. Strollo speaks to the group about her recovery journey before Ms. Medeiros directs Mike Bryant to get ready to release the balloons. (Bottom row) Mayor Sutter talks with Ms. Clark and Dr. Bharel after the balloons are released.

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