Agency providers and school staff joined over 300 parents and children for the Family Fun Night at the Fonseca Elementary School on April 29, 2015. Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomed the audience and prepared them to participate in a program that engages them in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered sessions on nutrition by Saint Anne's Hospital nurse Rose Couto, R.N. along with a fun workout with Fitness Instructor Soklim Chhean and a chance to speak with representatives of over twenty agencies including the Bristol County District Attorney's Office, Child and Family Services, Children's Advocacy Center, CVS, MA Department of Children and Families, Early Childhood/Family Community Engagement, Eastside Chiropractic, Family Service Association, Fernandes Center for Children, Flint Neighborhood Association, Fonseca Family Center, Fonseca PTO, Katie Brown Educational Program, People Incorporated, Road to Healing, Saint Anne's Hospital, Smash Table Tennis Club, SouthCoast Energy Challenge, Southcoast Health, United Neighbors, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge. Click here for an 25-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of the Family Fun Night at the Letourneau Elementary School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Victoria Vasconcelos and Melisa Raposa sign in parents and children as Josh Amaral of People Incorporated greets people before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes everyone. (Row two) Fitness Instructor Soklim Chhean gets a third of the group moving to music while Saint Anne's Hospital nurse Rose Couto, R.N. asks children to name some vegetables the like to eat. (Row three) Rose asks children to compare the number of oranges that are in different size glasses of orange juice. (Row four) Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angie Bras talks with parents and children, including Randy Rebell and his eleven-year-old daughter, Lacey, and Brittany Inacio and Abagail Herrmann, right, about sugar-sweetened beverages. (Row five, center and right) Fabioai Martinez and her children help themselves to literature at the Katie Brown Educational Program table while Jesse Vasconcelles talks with Lauren Walker at the Child and Family Services table. (Row six) Bristol County District Attorney's Office intern Nicole DeSousa and Assistant District Attorneys Yul-mi Cho and Tammy Evelyn talk with parents while Melissa Briggs and her daughter, Isabella, look over handouts from Saint Anne's Hospital.  and Dylan Silviera pedals to power a light bulb at the SouthCoast Energy Challenge table. (Row seven, left) Saint Anne's Hospital Pediatrics staff Courtney Almeida and Patricia Ferencz, RN, talk with parent Melinda Fraga while Fitness Instructor Soklim Chhean leads a fitness session. (Row eight) Rose Couto recommends that parents limit the amount of sugary beverages, including juice. (Row nine) Radoka Delgado and her son check out the Smash Table Tennis Club table before School Principal Michael Ward gets ready to read the door prize winner ticket numbers. (Bottom row) One of ten winning families, Dylan Silviera picks up his door prize of a bag of groceries from Ms. Picard at the end of the event and brings it to his mother..


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