Two Social Capital Inc. Americorps Volunteers and one Episcopal Church Life Together Fellow worked together with other volunteers on March 4, 2015 to stock the Annelle Delorme-Hagerman Food Pantry on the grounds of the Church of Our Savior in Somerset. The project was designed to prepare for the distribution of food supplies to many of the homeless families living in motels in Somerset and Swansea during the following week. The Pantry was established a number of years ago by the Church to provide needed food for economically-challenged families and individuals, many of whom live in more affluent communities. The Pantry is maintained by volunteers from the Church and receives supplies through the Greater Boston Food Bank. "The family members will get to choose the variety of foods that they might like based on the size of their family," reported  former SCI Volunteer and Partners Community Outreach Manager Brian Moses. "We're excited to serve, and we have quite a lot of food to do it," he added. Funding for family transportation was provided by the Vela Foundation. Click here for a brief video description of the project. For more information, contact United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director  Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900. (Top row photos courtesy of Brian Moses)

(Top row) Volunteer Rich Cichon unloads the truck full of food from the Greater Boston Food Bank distribution facility in Taunton as SCI Americorps Volunteers Micah Savitzky and Sophie Fierst bring the items into the Annelle Delorme-Hagerman Food Pantry. (Row two) Micah watches as volunteer Joan Hoy stocks the shelves and Episcopal Church Life Together Fellow Adrian Paulino moves some canned goods. (Bottom row) Sophie Fierst woks with volunteer Bertha Senay to get the food ready for pick up by the families.

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