Over the weekend of June 6th and 7th, 2015, The Harvest, the Home's Community Garden project began planting in the field behind Bay View, The Home's independent living facility at 4380 North Main Street and the Elks Club in the City's North End. Organizer Kayla Aguiar and her mother, Maria Ferreira, were joined by volunteers Ethan Mateus, Eric Pacheco, Rithy Tep and Bruce Norman to get the garden planted with a variety of vegetables. Half of the harvested food will be donated to Bay View and The Home and the other half to area soup kitchens and food pantries. "It's a work in progress. Slowly we're doing section by section and we'll get there," stated Maria Ferreira, Kayla's mother and co-organizer. "It's fun. You get to meet a lot of people, and it's for a good cause." she added. The project is using a straw bale method of planting that uses hay bales as a container for growing plants, which keeps weeds from growing and avoids plowing a rocky or clay soil. Click here for a three-minute video, here for a Herald News article, and here for their interview by the Herald News reporter. For more information or to volunteer to work on the garden, visit or contact Kayla or Maria at 508-215-9081.

(Top two rows) Organizer Kayla Aguiar stands next to the garden while volunteers Ethan Mateus, Rithy Tep nad Eric Pacheco work on disassembling some pallets to make raised beds. (Row two) Kayla plants some squash in one of the raised beds while volunteer Bruce Norma checks out the tomato cages next to the garden. (Bottom two rows) Beets, lettuce, peppers and squash are some of the vegetables that have been planted in the straw bales.

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