The Harvest, the Home's Community Garden project has begun in earnest with the arrangement of hay bales and drip irrigation in the field behind Bay View, The Home's independent living facility at 4380 North Main Street and the Elks Club in the City's North End. Mother and daughter Maria Ferreira and Kayla Aguiar were interviewed by Herald News Staff Reporter Deborah Allard and Photographer Jack Foley on June 3, 2015 in order to get the whole story on the project. "At harvest time we would like to donate fifty percent to The Home for letting us use their land, and the rest will go to the soup kitchens," said organizer Aguiar. More than seventy people turned out for a "Taste of Fall River" event on January 24th that raised over $3,000 to support the project. Along with grants from Fiskars, Home Depot and the Walmart Foundation, the project has garnered almost $7,000 to pay for tools, hay bales, mulch, seeds and other supplies. Volunteers were on hand earlier to construct some raised beds using wood from donated pallets and were due to return for a weekend of work to get the garden ready for more planting. The project is using a straw bale method of planting that uses hay bales as a container for growing plants, which keeps weeds from growing and avoids plowing a rocky or clay soil. Click here for an 11-minute video of the interview. Click here for the Herald News article.   For more information, visit or contact Kayla or Maria at 508-215-9081.

(Top two rows) Organizer Kayla Aguiar and her mother, Maria Ferreira, are interviewed by Herald New Staff Reporter Deborah Allard as Photographer Jack Foley takes pictures. (Row three) Kayla and her mother talk about organizing, fundraising, and the straw bale method of gardening as well as their plans to donate the produce. (Bottom row, center) Volunteer Ethan Mateus joins Taylor and her mother after the interview.

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