Members of the Leadership SouthCoast Class of 2015 spent an afternoon on June 10th exploring the health status and the healthcare system of Fall River and New Bedford as part of their ten-month community leadership program Leadership Southcoast Executive Director Jennifer Downing began by introducing Southcoast Health Vice-President of Marketing and Government Affairs Stephen Canessa who described the new role that hospitals are playing in creating health and not just treating disease. Southcoasst Health's Community Benefits Manager Kerry Mello then went into detail about Southcoast Health's investments in health through a variety of community projects. Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julianne Kelly expanded the conversation beyond the hospital to talk about efforts to change community systems, policies and environments to favor healthier lifestyles. Partners for a Healthier Community Executive Director Dr. David Weed rounded out the discussion by giving an example of that group's efforts to change the nutrition policies that have led to the rise in obesity and diabetes over the past forty years in America. Click here for a ninety- minute video of the session. Click here for a pdf copy of the presentation slides. Click here for photos of the 2014 session. For more information about Leadership SouthCoast, contact Executive Director Jenniver Downing at 508-728-8432.

(Top row) Leadership Southcoast Executive Director Jennifer Downing chats with some of the class members before introducing the guest speakers. (Row two) Southcoast Health Vice-President of Marketing and Government Affairs Stephen Canessa describes the new role that hospitals are playing in creating community health. (Row three) Community Benefits Manager Kerry Mello. Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julianne Kelly, and Partners for a Healthier Community Executive Director Dr. David Weed talk about how changes in community systems, policies and environments can work to improve health. (Row four) Erik Rousseau of the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority and Alexandra Moniz of the YWCA of Southeastern MA respond to Julie Kelly's presentation. (Bottom row) Vin Sylvia of Sylvia Insurance Group, Scott Lopes of BayCoast Bank, Ed Antes-Washburn of the Port of New Bedford, Stephanie Taylor of New Bedford Community Connections Coalition, and and Linda Rodriques of BayCoast Bank participate in a discussion about what can be done to address various health problems.   

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