Students from the Maple Gardens Family Development who attend the Letourneau Elementary School have an opportunity to join a "Walking School Bus" every day of the week throughout the school year, thanks to School Vice-Principal David Assad who leads the daily one-mile walks. "Students have an enjoyable social experience and get some much-needed exercise so they arrive at school ready to learn," states Assad. Walking to school has been a primary objective of Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard who organizes walk to school events twice a year at all of the Fall River Public Schools. "With so much attention on academic achievement, children's physical health is too often ignored as an essential part of learning," stated Picard. "This group, led by Mr. Assad, and a similar daily walking group at the Doran Community School led by School Safety Officer Brenda Racine, demonstrate that it can be done safely and with lots of participation from children," she added. Click here for an five-minute video of the Letoureau walk on June 25, 2015. For more information, contact David Assad at 508-676-2170 or  Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Children gather at a street corner within the Maple Gardens Family Development, including some children who are driven to the site by parents who want their children to walk. (Row two) Vice-Principal David Assad checks the names off list of students whose parents have signed them up for the group. (Row three) The group heads up Aetna Street to Stafford Road where they cross paths with some older students who are walking to a middle school. (Row three) Crossing Guard Ilka Encaracion greets them at the corner of Anthony Street where the group proceeds to the school, picking up additional children as they go. (Bottom row) The students arrive at the school where they are greeted at the door by Office Secretary Brenda Denny and School Principal Brian Raposo.

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