The New Bedford Wellness Initiative began a weekly community wellness program for adults on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at the New Bedford Boys and Girls Club. The program is free and open to the public, and its offerings will include classes in cardiovascular exercise, yoga, meditation, smoking cessation and nutrition. The classes will start at 11:00 am end at 3:00 pm and will include health screenings including measuring weights and blood pressures. Multiple studies have shown that an unhealthy diet, poor physical activity, and smoking are the major risk factors for chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, diabetes and lung disease. "We're here to help people put the tools in the toolbox in order to be able to deal with these things that lead to chronic diseases," stated Dr. Michael Rocha, a local cardiologist who has led the effort. Click here for a for a six-minute video of the first day of the program. Click here for photos and video of one of the group's monthly walks. For more information, go to the New Bedford Wellness Initiative Facebook page.

(Top row) Zumba Instructor Dealinda Barboza of the New Bedford Parks and Recreation Department leads a group in cardiovascular exercise. (Row two) Community Homecare Nurse Joanna Vieira directs a participant to the gym as Dr. Rocha explains the program and Greater New Bedford Community Health Center Tobacco Cessation Specialist Daphne Carvalho talks with Southcoast Health Community Benefits Manager Kerry Mello and Dorothy Ferro-Cabral, also of the Community Health Center. (Row three) Laurie Killingbeck from Round the Bend Farm teaches a class in fermenting vegetables. (Row four) Yoga, Pilates and Zumba Instructor Marcia Knight-Hathaway begins a yoga class in one of the gyms. (Bottom row) Over fifty people attended a session on meditation with sports psychologist, author, meditation teacher and motivational speaker George Mumford who currently works with the New York Knicks.

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