Parents at the Spencer Borden Elementary School in Fall River had the chance to talk with Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed on March 12, 2015 as part of a Parent Coffee Hour series that has been offered at the School. Spencer-Borden School Adjustment Counselors Patricia Davis and Annie Palumbo arranged the sessions along with School Vice-Principal Taylor Brown to give parents a chance to ask questions and discuss issues of concern to them. When the issue of children's nutrition and eating habits came up, Pat arranged to have psychologist Dr. Weed come to the group to talk. Dr. Weed discussed the concerns that the parents had and offered two articles: Breaking Children's Bad Eating Habits and Low Fat Milk May Not Be As Healthy As You Think to deal with their concerns about why their children often complain that they don't get enough to eat at school and arrive home hungry. Dr. Weed also recommended that they view the on-line video "Fed Up on the South Coast" to get a better idea of why so many children and adults are overweight and what some possible solutions might be. For more information about the session, contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029.

(Top row) Spencer Borden Elementary School School Adjustment Counselor Annie Palumbo welcomes parents as Vice-Principal Taylor Brown helps himself to some low carbohydrate fruit rather than the bagels and School Adjustment Counselors Patricia Davis greets Dr. Weed. (Middle row) Dr. Weed listens to the concerns of one of the parents to get an idea of some of the eating habits of her son. (Bottom row) Ms. Davis and Dr. Weed offer some suggestions to the parents about dealing with the high-carbohydrate meals that the school offers and some alternate foods that may be more satisfying to their children.

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