Residents of the Cottell Apartments on Pleasant Street in the Flint worked with Lydia Silva, a local expert on Permaculture, on a beautiful May 13, 2015 day to plant the fruit trees and several blueberry bushes next to their building.  They were joined by Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julie Kelly, Mass in Motion Assistant Eric Andrade, Partners Community Outreach Manager Brian Moses and School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard and staff from the YouthBuild Program who helped with much of the labor. The group planted two apple trees and a pear tree, each of which will begin yielding fruit in a few years. They also planted blueberry bushes that could begin producing berries next season. The final leg of the project will include the installation of several raised beds for vegetables that the residents can also harvest. "Lydia is wonderful to work with and clearly has designed this project with the desires of the residents in mind" remarked Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly who initiated the project. Much of the funding for the project was provided by a Vela Foundation grant.  Click here for a14-minute video of the planting. Click here for pictures and video of the original planning session with the residents. For further information, contact Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405. 

(Top row) Ms. Silva greets residents Henda Plosker, Lorraine Cabral,George Burton, Sue McMahon, and Germaine Moniz before she explains what they will be doing as Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly and Partners Community Outreach Manager Brian Moses listen. (Row two, left) Mass in Motion Assistant Eric Andrade, Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard and Erron Perez, Christian Berrios and Carmen Richardi from Fall River YouthBuild listen as Julie talks about the project. (Row two, center and right) Ms. Sliva holds one of the fruit trees that will be planted and then directs the team to begin digging. (Row three, left) Residents watch as Christian Berrios and resident George Burton dig the first hole. (Row three, center and right) Ms. Silva places a pear tree in the hole at the right height before it is filled in with soil, lime and fertilizer and a space prepared for watering. (Row four, left and right) Ms. Picard watches as Eric Andrade, Erron Perez and Christian Berrios dig a hole for an apple tree and place lemon balm and alyssum at the base to keep the grass down and to attract pollinating bees. (Row four, center) Resident George Burton talks with Partners Executive Director David Weed about the project. (Bottom row) The group finishes planting the second apple tree and then begins work on planting the blueberry bushes and giving the plants a final watering.

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